Using configuration file E:/TDDOWNLOAD/WowDFCompressed/World_of_Warcraft/bnetserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022 (library: OpenSSL 1.1.1l 24 Aug 2021)
Using Boost version: 1.80.0
Automatic database updates are disabled for all databases!
Opening DatabasePool 'auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1.
MySQL client library: 8.0.31
MySQL server ver: 8.0.30
Connected to MySQL database at
MySQL client library: 8.0.31
MySQL server ver: 8.0.30
Connected to MySQL database at
DatabasePool 'auth' opened successfully. 2 total connections running.
Started auth database connection pool.
Loading IP Location Database...
Login service bound to htt p://
Added realm "Trinity" at
Could not bind to 以一种访问权限不允许的方式做了一个访问套接字的尝试。
StartNetwork failed to bind socket acceptor
Failed to initialize network